Hello dear friends and fans, I wish you all relaxing holidays and happy, peaceful easter!
Hello dear friends, we hope that you are fine. Our worldwide dojos are preparing for the student belt exams in june. the students are already excited and full of enthusiasm - who wants to fall for it;)But first we would like to present you a paperback book of superlatives:
Hello dear friends, we hope that you are fine. Our worldwide dojos are preparing for the student belt exams in june. the students are already excited and full of enthusiasm - who wants to fall for it;)But first we would like to present you a paperback book of superlatives:
great and unique for everyone open minded and spiritual - for any martial artist who wants to learn more about buddhism and our life, an absolute must! The link to Ebook is:
We look forward to your opinion on these books! So stay curious and always alert and critical!
Hallo liebe freunde, wir hoffen dass es euch gut geht. Unsere weltweiten dojos bereiten sich auf die schüler gürtelprüfungen im juni vor. die schüler sind schon aufgeregt und voller elan - wer will schon druchfallen ;)