Taikunedo®Android-App for your mobiles download-LINKS:
INFO: Load this app on your computer and take this app
on your mobile-memory card ->
then install this app from your memory card simple!
We are always happy to present the best contributions and worthy links from other honorable players. Only the best specialists will be posted. Since 1860, we have been mastering mastery in many budo martial arts, and since 1975, we have certified dojos and associations according to the international ISO-DIN standard as a distinction for excellent work with pupils, masters and customers.
Dienstag, 20. März 2012
Montag, 19. März 2012
Please download our new relaxation video for mobile phones and engage in active recreation wherever you are! More videos will follow!
Relax and have fun!
Welcome visitors to this website. Here we tell the world about all the current events of Taikunedo® Association . For
example, our new videos and our new e-books and our unique,
internationally certified online university where you can also enroll in
order to achieve a globally recognized qualification in the Taikunedo®
Selfdefense martial art.